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Dangers Of Chimney Leaks

Chimney leaks can spell all kinds of trouble for the chimney, roof, fireplace, and walls of your home. From masonry damage and mold to rusting and deterioration of chimney components, leaks can be devastating if they are not stopped. The first step when dealing with a leaky chimney is to locate the source of the leak and determine an appropriate course of action to stop the leak as well as repair any existing damage. Let’s talk more about spotting a leak, checking for damage, and repairing the leak to avoid further damage to your home and chimney.

Leaky Chimney in MadisonSigns of a Leak Chimney

Some common signs of a leak in your chimney will be easy to spot, while others might slip past your attention.

Water marks, staining, spalling, and mold are some of the more noticeable sings that your chimney has a leak. These may be visible from inside your home and draw your attention quickly. On the other hand, sings like damage to the chimney’s masonry, flashing, or cap may be harder to spot as they require an intentional inspection of your chimney exterior on the roof of your home.

What We’re Looking for During an Inspection

If you suspect a leaky chimney, it’s best to call in the professionals sooner rather than later. A professional chimney sweep will be able to inspect the chimney to narrow down the presence and source of a leak in your chimney.

Damaged Masonry

Spalling or stained brick and mortar are a common sign of a chimney leak. During an inspection we will check the chimney’s masonry for this damage to access the source and stage of your chimney’s leak.

Rusting or Missing Chimney Components

We all know water can rust metal over time, and this is no different for your metal chimney parts. If any parts are found to be rusted, this could indicate the presence of a leak.

As for missing parts, if your chimney’s cap or flashing have become damaged or missing, or if you simply did not have these parts to begin with, that makes for the perfect start to a leak. The cap’s main purpose is to prevent water and debris intrusion in your chimney and the flashings job is to protect he base of your chimney from pooling water. If either of these parts are not present it can lead to a serious leak.

Water Damage to the Walls or Roofing Materials

Another common sign of a leaky chimney is water damage along your interior walls or your roofing materials. As the leak makes its way down your chimney it can affect the surrounding materials and create water stains, rotting wood, and promote mold growth.

Water Proofing Chimney in Southwest WisconsinWhat If You Have a Leaky Chimney

So, you’ve discovered a leak in your chimney. What happens now?

Once you or your technicians have located the root of the problem, you can make a plan to tackle the leak and protect your chimney down the line. 

Repair the Damage

The first step is, of course, to repair the existing damage and replace any parts that were affected in order to maintain the integrity of your chimney. 

Take Preventative Measures

Once your chimney has been repaired, we strongly advise taking action to protect your chimney from future leaks. One way to protect your chimney is through water repelling treatments.

Keep Up with Annual Maintenance

The best way to keep your chimney in shape is to keep up with the recommended annual inspections and cleanings. By keeping up with annual maintenance you can save yourself a big bill and an even bigger headache down the line by catching potential problems early on and taking action with a professionally trained and experienced chimney sweep. 

Give us a call or contact us online to schedule your inspection, cleaning, repair, installation, and more!

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