Caps vs. Crowns vs. Covers
Your chimney gets the brunt of the winter and summer storms. We worry about leaks, animals and debris getting in. There are many components of the fireplace, but today we are going to talk about three: Chimney Caps, Crowns and Covers. All three play an intricate part of the protection of your chimney.
In order to make the best decisions as to what you would most benefit from, a cap, crown or cover, you need to know what they are and what their benefits are. Let’s dive into it.
Chimney Cap
A chimney cap is a covering that protects the top of the chimney. It is meant to keep water, debris, and animals out of your chimney. A popular material for a cap is stainless steel due to its durability. It can withstand harsh weather conditions. It is also resistant to corrosion so it will have a good lifespan.
Chimney Crown
The chimney crown is a large slab usually made out of cement that covers the top of the chimney. Its main purpose is to protect the chimney from water damage and the weathering that occurs with summer and winter storms.
Chimney Cover
A cover, often called a chimney chase cover, is made of metal. It is placed on top of a chimney to help prevent water from entering. The cover also is a defense against weather damage.
Now that the weather has turned, and we are all looking forward to this time of year when everyone settles down a bit. The holidays are in front of us, and we all get tied up with our planning and decorating. Think of what will protect you and your family this holiday season. A decision to purchase a Cap, Crown or Cover will also prolong the life of your chimney.
Fire Safety
The most important aspect when starting a fire is your safety. Not only will a cap, crown or a cover protect you from rain and debris, it will also protect you from chimney fires. When debris is allowed to enter the chimney, chances are greater for a chimney fire when starting the fire in the fireplace. It is recommended by professionals to have an annual chimney inspection and chimney sweep. During the off season, your chimney can get clogged. Animals are searching for a warm place to nest. Winds swirl and shake up trees and leaves. Debris collects in your fireplace. Before you start that first fire, call Chimney Specialists Inc to set up that inspection and sweep.
When we come out for the inspection, we will be happy to talk more about chimney cover options. Now is the time to think about it. Before we get too far into the burning season.
Your Trusted Chimney Experts
CHIMNEY SPECIALISTS INC. prides itself on offering customers and contractors in the tri-state area of northeast Iowa, northwest Illinois and southwest Wisconsin, complete installation service, nationally certified technical experts, a huge selection of quality stoves and fireplaces and of course, competitive pricing.